City Tours Poland - Company Information

charter buses for transfers and sightseeing tours Poznan Transfers is a bus rental platform operated by the european tour operator City Tours. Together with carefully selected charter bus companies from Poznan and surrounding Poland, City Tours Europe can provide you with reliable and comfortable coaches and minivans for any kind of bus transfer or sightseeing tour in, to or from Poznan. Any charter bus service booked with Poznan Transfers shall be procedured by the central bus reservation office of City Tours Europe in Vienna (Austria). The booked sightseeing tours and bus transfers themselves shall be executed by local bus rental companies with experienced local drivers. Should you have questions about our bus rental service, please feel free to contact us anytime at !

Anbieter Informationen City Tours Polska
Firmenname: City Tours Polska sp. z o.o. (entspricht in der Rechtsform einer "GmbH") | Firmensitz: ul. Św. Wawrzyńca, PL 31-060 Krakúw (Krakau) | Geschäftsführer: Alexander Ehrlich | Prokurist: Robert Szopa | Telefonnummer: +48 757 13 43 12 (DE / EN / FR / IT), +48 533 85 76 66 (DE / PL) | Fax: +48 12 444 78 91 | Email: | NIP (UID / VAT): 6762516478 | Regon: 365859768 | Bankverbindung: ING Bank Śląski SA, IBAN PL80 1050 1445 1000 0090 3119 8931 BIC: INGBPLPWXXX | Datenschutzerklärung.
Informations about City Tours Polska
Company name: City Tours Polska sp. z o.o. (similar to limited liability company) | company seat: ul. Św. Wawrzyńca, PL 31-060 Krakúw | CEO: Alexander Ehrlich | General Manager: Robert Szopa | Phone number: +48 757 13 43 12 (DE / EN / FR / IT), +48 533 85 76 66 (DE / PL) | Fax: +48 12 444 78 91 | Email: | NIP (UID / VAT): 6762516478 | Regon: 365859768 | Bank details: ING Bank Śląski SA, IBAN PL80 1050 1445 1000 0090 3119 8931 BIC: INGBPLPWXXX | Data protection policy.
Informaciones en cuánto a City Tours Polska
Nombre de la empresa: City Tours Polska sp. z o.o. | sede: ul. Św. Wawrzyńca, PL 31-060 Krakúw | CEO: Alexander Ehrlich | Procurador: Robert Szopa | Phone number: +48 757 13 43 12 (DE / EN / FR / IT), +48 533 85 76 66 (DE / PL) | Fax: +48 12 444 78 91 | Email: | NIP (UID / VAT): 6762516478 | Regon: 365859768 | BCuenta bancaria: ING Bank Śląski SA, IBAN PL80 1050 1445 1000 0090 3119 8931 BIC: INGBPLPWXXX | Informaciones sobre el uso de sus datos.
À propos du tour opérateur City Tours Pologne
Raison sociale: City Tours Polska sp. z o.o. | Siège social: ul. Św. Wawrzyńca, PL 31-060 Krakúw (Krakau) | Directeur: Alexander Ehrlich | fondé de pouvoir: Robert Szopa | Numéro téléphone: +48 757 13 43 12 (DE / EN / FR / IT), +48 533 85 76 66 (DE / PL) | Fax: +48 12 444 78 91 | Email: | NIP (UID / VAT): 6762516478 | Regon: 365859768 | Dates bancaires: ING Bank Śląski SA, IBAN PL80 1050 1445 1000 0090 3119 8931 BIC: INGBPLPWXXX | déclaration de confidentialité sur la protection de données .
Maggiori informazioni su City Tours Poland
Ragione sociale: City Tours Polska sp. z o.o. | Sede sociale: ul. Św. Wawrzyńca, PL 31-060 Krakúw (Krakau) | Gestore: Alexander Ehrlich | Procuratore: Robert Szopa | Telefonnummer: +48 757 13 43 12 (DE / EN / FR / IT), +48 533 85 76 66 (DE / PL) | Fax: +48 12 444 78 91 | Email: | NIP (UID / VAT): 6762516478 | Regon: 365859768 | Appoggio bancario: ING Bank Śląski SA, IBAN PL80 1050 1445 1000 0090 3119 8931 BIC: INGBPLPWXXX | consenso al trattamento dei dati personali.

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About the City Tours bus rental network

City Tours is a european tour operator specializing in charter coach service for transfers and sightseeing tours anywhere in Europe. Together with carefully selected bus companies from Poland, Ukraine, Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Italy and other countries in Europe, City Tours can provide you with buses for transfers between any two places in Europe as well as for coach tours across the continent. We would be pleased to facilitate your personal coach rental at any european city of your choice and are looking forward to your charter bus request! Learn more about our company in our imprint.